
It is important to choose the best right lab equipment to ensure a proper working environment and raise the efficiency level of your lab staff. However, the process of buying lab equipment might be overwhelming to you because there are many different models and brands out there to choose from. Yes, you have the option to buy used lab equipment but it may come with potential risks. Therefore, you need to be knowledgeable when buying lab equipment so you can ask the right questions before buying them and can protect yourself from being scammed. Continue reading this article to learn how to shop laboratory equipment supplier in malaysia.

Lab Equipment - Guide to Shop Laboratory Equipment Supplier in Malaysia

Set a budget

Like shopping for other stuff, it is important to set up your budget before buying lab equipment. You should be specific about the amount that you can afford to spend on new lab equipment before immediately buying it. Therefore, you should take your time to survey different lab equipment at different laboratory equipment supplier in malaysia to get the best models at the best price you can afford.


The purpose of buying a new piece of lab equipment is to ease your research work and make it more manageable. Therefore, choose the lab equipment that you can handle on your own in the event that you don’t have enough lab staff one day. Furthermore, if you have extra money, you can opt for lab equipment that features advanced automated options so you don’t need to work on it all day and just let it do your work on its own. If you choose the kind of lab equipment with complex features, it will cause complications on your research.

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Ask for a demo

When you have already found a place to get your lab equipment, ask the staff to give you a demonstration of the equipment. This allows you to see how the equipment works and avoid mishandling it once you bought it. If the staff is reluctant to demonstrate the equipment to you, there is a possibility that the equipment has flaws or errors that they are trying to hide from you. Don’t let them fool you!

Read reviews

Once you are ready to purchase lab equipment from your preferred laboratory equipment supplier in malaysia, you can look up online the reviews of the product and the supplier. It is important to read reviews to see if other customers had experienced any issues with the same equipment that you wish to purchase. Also, you can the other customers’ feedback on the supplier to see if they are trustable and not scammers.

Ask about the warranty and after-sale services

There is a laboratory equipment supplier out there that offers a service where they teach your lab staff how to properly use the equipment that you bought. Furthermore, you can ask if they offer logistic service for the equipment to be delivered to your lab. The most important is to make sure they provide a warranty because no matter how brand new the equipment is, there is a chance that it might cause an error in the nearest time.

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