sluice valve malaysia

A sluice valve Malaysia is no exception when building stainless steel pipes for industrial uses, and the material is also an automatic option for you. You already have the funds to afford those pipes, so naturally you spend on them to avoid any incoming, serious issues in the future.

Though stainless steel pipes are durable, no material is perfect as every one of them harbors their own disadvantages. In other words, a balance. Your stainless steel pipes may be strong, but keep in mind these drawbacks when installing them, or even better, before installing them.


You may afford to build your pipes of stainless steel, but not everybody else can afford them. Stainless steel is plentiful in the world, yet the fabrication process requires certain tools to generate the best results. Furthermore, steel pipes are also treated with additional alloying elements to enhance their natural characteristics, thus making the finished products expensive in the end.

Though it is pricey, it is justifiable since your investment will pay off with its durability and efficiency.


image - Disadvantages Of Utilizing Stainless Steel Pipes

Stainless steel pipes are vulnerable if they are installed with other fittings of the same metal. Wear and tear is inevitable to many things, but this can be hastened when you install so on the pipes and later remove the base metal pieces.

The result is that corrosive elements will welcome themselves to those pipes like new homes and would require maintenance as the thin chromium oxide protective layer has been scrapped off during installation and the two components are stuck together. The solution to this problem is the use of anti-jamming products which reduces the wear and tear of components when installing them.

Prone to dirt and smudges

Now you might not have this problem if stainless steel pipes are installed to be used for commercial kitchens. But when it is used for equipment that are meant to be used by customers, the pipes will be a large sign pointing towards themselves while advertising dirt, smudges and any other dirty elements.

It probably isn’t a critical issue, but it will make your stainless steel pipes ugly to look at. You will have to take the extra effort in cleaning them out of your pipes so your customers do not feel uncomfortable in using the tools. Furthermore, the cleaning process is usually easy, so rather than panic, you would just be annoyed by the dirtiness of your pipes.

What about water well pipes?

Maybe you happen to have a well in your home area and you want to transport water to your own house. Sounds like a good idea, but there is a reason why you should avoid using steel pipes in general.

The thing about your well’s water is that it is full of minerals, so corrosion is a threat to your steel pipes when it transports water on a daily basis. You might be wondering what material would suit the well best if not steel.

Answer: use plastic pipes like PVCs. Thanks to its lightweight properties, corrosion is not a problem. You could use steel couplings to connect those pipes from your well to your house.