mbbs in malaysia

Making a decision on your next educational endeavour is never too late. Everything will be fine for you as long as you are committed to continuing your studies. Considering which major to choose? Here is the solution for you. Take mbbs in Malaysia and contribute to our health care system. 

One of the lessons we might learn from the recent pandemic is that our health services are understaffed. Numerous medical professionals, including nurses, had spoken out on this subject. We could practically assist them in their mission to save lives by doing it with them. Let’s take a look at the difference between MBBS and MD majors. 


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The first professional degree in medicine is known as MBBS. The goal of MBBS courses is to prepare students for careers in all areas of medicine.

Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, Applied Medical Biochemistry, Applied Pharmacology, Human Pathology, Human Microbiology, Otolaryngology, Dermatology, Pediatrics, and even General Surgery are among the subjects covered in the courses. The average time to earn an MBBS degree is four and a half years, though this varies by university and country. In order to demonstrate appropriate exposure, the student must perform an internship before being granted a degree in the majority of the country. This is done to give the students the proper amount of practical experience.


MD is a postgraduate or master’s degree. A candidate can only apply for an MD position after earning an MBBS degree. An MD is regarded as a professional doctorate in several nations for surgeons and physicians (i.e U.S.A and, the Philippines). Others view it as a research degree with the same worth as a Ph. D.

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As a result, a student completes an MD programme after earning their MBBS to receive training in a chosen specialisation. Paediatrics, gynaecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, dentistry, and similar specialities are among the MD specialities. The goal of an MD is to eventually turn a student into a specialist in their chosen medical field. MD programmes typically last two years. A dissertation or thesis submission is required by many universities and colleges all around the world as part of the programme requirements.

Widad College

The Widad University College’s college of medicine offers a five-year degree called the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). This medical programme in Malaysia is designed to give you the information, clinical experience, in-depth research opportunities, and clinical practice you need to succeed in the demanding field of medicine.

One advantage of enrolling at Widad University College is that students who fall under the B40 category are qualified to apply for a medical degree in Malaysia and earn an RM50 000 scholarship from Yayasan Royal Widad along with an RM400 monthly allowance. Additionally, they will receive complimentary lodging and transportation for the course of the programme.


While you are contemplating what courses you should take after finishing high school, taking MBBS is not a bad idea. Not just you contribute to our health force, but you also will earn the satisfaction of treating other people. Graduating and becoming a doctor or a nurse will secure you a stable job that is looked up to the society.